Aviation Insurance
With Lakeview and Lakestone Insurance, enjoy the security and peace of mind with our Aviation Insurance opportunities. With our coverage you qualify for:
Very attractive & competitive rates.
Customized payment terms.
Rates unique to your operation; your company rates are directly related to your operation and claims history. You are not dependent on how other operations run their business. If you run a safe and reliable operation, you benefit from this.
Fixed costs - know your costs upfront with no surprises at year-end.
Unearned premium insurance - which returns unearned premiums following a total loss.
Increased liability limits for government contracts, including forestry or forest fire spraying.
Coverage is available for Helicopter Operators, in addition to fixed-wing operations.
Wildlife endorsement - reduces your deductibles for collisions with any kind of incident involving wildlife in the air or on the ground.
An easily approved pilot clause that helps you, the Operator, run your company with the pilots you require, without requesting approval prior to flight.
A flexible program that works for you and addresses your unique concerns based on the current Ag and Insurance Industry today.
A stable, easily accessible broker who is partnered directly with leading markets in the Aerospace industry.

Eric Yeager, CAIB (Hons)
Lake Lenore, Humbolt, SK
Eric Yeager has been an insurance broker for over 10 years. An Honours graduate, Eric is extremely knowledgeable with all farm and commercial operations. He specializes in Grain, Seed Growers, Farm Manufacturers and Aviation Insurance products. Eric is still actively involved in his family grain farm operation near Lake Lenore, where he is also very involved in the community, alongside his wife and four children.